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Emotional Quotient (EQ)™ Seminar

Our emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as the capability to effectively manage emotions. How well we manage can be measured through an assessment whose score is our emotional quotient or EQ. A person’s EQ is indicative of the ability to sense, understand and effectively manage emotion to facilitate high levels of teamwork and personal productivity.

Our emotions are fundamental to decision making. Brain scans reveal that the areas of our brain that produce emotion, make decisions and take action are densely connected to each other. People with higher levels of emotional intelligence are able to respond more effectively to rapidly changing conditions in the business world. In fact, a person’s EQ may be a better predictor of successful performance than IQ (intelligence quotient). A recent survey revealed the following:

  • 34 percent of hiring managers say they are placing greater emphasis on EQ when hiring and promoting employees than the traditional IQ measurement
  • 59 percent of employers would not hire someone with a low EQ, even if that person had a high IQ
  • 75 percent say they’re more likely to promote the person with high emotional intelligence versus the high IQ candidate

Fortunately, unlike one’s level of IQ, which changes very little from childhood, emotional intelligence includes skills that can be learned at any age. Research agrees that people can be taught and trained to better manage emotions. With guided experiential learning and practice, people can intentionally improve emotional intelligence. The result is the ability to work effectively with a wide variety of people.

The Emotional Quotient TM Seminar gives employees the understanding and practice they need to self-regulate and master their emotions, as well as build the empathy and social skills that lead to strong teams. Using experiential learning, teams practice EQ skills by enacting real life scenarios.

Seminar Objectives

  • Give individuals a clear picture of the impact emotions have on their career and workplace relationship
  • Help people become sensitive to the less obvious ways that their emotions have been affecting their performance
  • Teach employees to be self-aware before making a decision, to stop reacting based on the emotions of the moment, and start choosing to make wise choices that drive better results
  • Raise the emotional climate of the organization by raising the individual EQs of the staff

For more information or to book a class, seminar, or engagement, please email us.

Emotional intelligence emerges as a much stronger predictor of who will be most successful, because it is how we handle ourselves in our relationships that determines how well we do once we are in a given job. ~ Daniel Goleman